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  • Writer's pictureelonoutdoors

Stay Warm & Stay Outside

Dread winter camping because you know you will always be miserably cold? Take these tips to stay warm!!

Tips from some winter weirdos:

1. Bring jackets that are down and tightly packable you may not need it the whole time but it is perfect for the late nights and early mornings

2. Pack a hat & wool socks most heat escapes from you head and feet, these are essential for warmth

3. Bring a stove being able to eat and drink something that is warm helps you from the inside out

4. Try to find areas to dry things in the sun if possible being wet and cold is awful, try to avoid this by finding openings where you can take a break and lay your gear in the light

5. Bring appropriate sleeping gear your summer sleeping bag isn't going to help you, make sure you have one for low temperatures and a thermal liner if you get extra cold

6. Dress light at night your body heat will warm up your sleeping bag better with less clothes on, counterintuitive but true

7. Build a fire ... fires are hot

8. Bring layers weather can switch up on you with altitude... better safe than sorry

9. Don't freeze alone!!! going with a group of friends makes the world of a difference... because at least after the fact you can all laugh about it together

10. PUMP THE HEAT get back to your car after the hike is over and delight in the warmth of the heater

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